Tea Party and Voting Rights

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Judson Phillips, president of prominent Tea Party group Tea Party Nation, has a terrific idea: “The Founding Fathers… put certain restrictions on… the right to vote… you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense”.

Here is the complete quote:

“The Founding Fathers originally said, they put certain restrictions on who gets the right to vote. It wasn’t you were just a citizen and you got to vote. Some of the restrictions, you know, you obviously would not think about today. But one of those was you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. If you’re not a property owner, you know, I’m sorry but property owners have a little bit more of a vested interest in the community than non-property owners.”

Why stop there!

Originally, minorities and women were not allowed to vote either. And slavery was commonplace.

But if you have voted or plan to vote for the tea party, this might be your last chance. To vote I mean, unless you have some property under your name (Trusts, shared ownership of a company owning property don’t count).

Under the new proposed rules, the votes will be counted according to the dollar amount of the property, divided by the number of entities sharing this property (value determined by the bank).

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