Trump about the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

“You know – Ukraine has started a conflict that has ravaged its land and killed thousands of its people!”

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Results of Government Defunding (DOGE)

Sorry, the funding for helping people who are sick and tired of the Trump administration has been eliminated

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Trump’s 10 Commandments

Donald Trump is now selling Bibles. We were curious, so we got a hold on an advanced copy. Surprise, surprise – there have been some changes to the original text. For instance, the Ten Commandments have a slightly different look. We got an excerpt right below:

  1. Thou shalt have no other leaders before me. Loyalty and support are paramount and must be directed solely at the leader.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any fake news. Truth is what the leader confirms; all else is deception or exaggeration.
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of thy leader in vain. Criticism and disrespect towards the leader are not tolerated, for the leader’s word is law.
  4. Remember the Twitter day, to keep it holy. The sanctity of social media as a platform for direct communication shall be maintained, ensuring messages are unfiltered by traditional gatekeepers.
  5. Honor thy business and thy family. Both are crucial pillars of the realm, with loyalty to the family and the empire’s expansion being equally sacred.
  6. Thou shalt not lose. Victory is the ultimate virtue, in business, politics, and every field of endeavor.
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery, unless thou canst negotiate a nondisclosure agreement. Personal indulgences are overlooked if they can be discreetly managed.
  8. Thou shalt not steal, but acquiring services or goods without immediate remuneration is merely astute business. The art of the deal involves leveraging positions to maximum advantage, sometimes delaying compensation as long as legally—or creatively—possible.
  9. Thou shalt build great walls. Security and sovereignty are manifested in physical barriers, symbolizing strength and deterrence.
  10. Thou shalt make great deals. In all things, the deal reigns supreme; every interaction is an opportunity for gain, to be seized and negotiated until victory is assured.
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Why Donald Trump wants his tax return to be secret

Now that the SOCUS has ruled the Donald Trumps tax return cannot be completely hidden to to at least some prosecutor. review, let us remind outselves why Donald Trump is so keen to keep it out of the public view:

11: He does not want his return audited (note: this is confirmed by his ex-lawyer)
10: He does not want his wife or ex-wives to know how much he really earns
9: He does not want to reveal how much alimony he pays – and to whom
8: It would reveal how much money he owes to Russia and Saudi-Arabia
7: It would show how much he donated to the charitable foundation of David Duke
6: The Trump Tower project in Moscow is still alive
5: Declared his children as needy retarded dependents
4: Details about a deal to build a golf course in the West Bank
3: His businesses employ a Mafia style money laundering scheme
2: He receives disability benefits due to his inability to even have intercourse
1: He actually is bankrupt

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Top Ten Reasons Donald Trump does not want to release his tax returns

As you well know Donald Trump is not releasing his tax returns – in fact does everything in his power to block the release.

That, of course raises the question what he has to hide.

Since we don’t know any details, we can only speculate. And so we came up with our own list of reasons. Continue reading

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Health Care reform to Donald Trump’s liking

As you all know, the health care costs are too high, whether it is Obamacare, Trumpcare, or what ever you name it. So there have been some discussion to tackle the costs.
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Donald J Trump, Wartime President of the United States of America

Donald J Trump, in office in the White House for just over 10 days, already on the way to become the worst President of the United States at least in our life time, seems to be heading to war. Continue reading

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Is the next President a Sociopath?

Many have wondered about Donald Trump, who is scheduled to take over the White House next week. A lot of people are embarrassed about the prospect of a Trump presidency, and his tweets have raised concerns when he continues his ways in the White House. Some high-ranking officials and diplomats already are privately  worried about whether the next president is actually a sociopath. But how do you know for sure? Continue reading

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The Trump Presidency is upon us

Well – all efforts to stop Donald Trump to become president of the United States have failed. The Republicans are not in a position to create just one credible leader that would stand up against Trump – in fact they fall in line after just one tweet about the independent ethics commission they wanted to cut back. At least at that point Trump was right to remind the GOP what is really important: apparently the GOP’s most important issue was the plan to cut the ethics commission – that alone tells you what the GOP is currently all about. Continue reading

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Republican Convention and Donald Trump

Now that the Republican Convention is almost upon us, attempts to prevent the nomination of Donald Trump a the Republican nominee for the President of the Unites States are now more urgent than ever. Continue reading

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