GOPs views on rape

The GOP keeps just giving.

The Rep. Candidate for Senate, Todd Akin from Missouri, made a statement on TV to the effect that “legitimate rape” rarely causes pregnancy. The female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down, he said.

Huh? Seems like a candidate for our BrainTurnedOff Hall Of Fame.

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Mitt Romney picks Paul Ryan

Earlier today the Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan as his VP running mate.

He even announced him as the “future President”. First I thought Mr. Romney is stepping aside and let Mr. Ryan take his place.

But I don’t know. Maybe it isn’t really so far off. One just has to remember the Bush/Cheney years Continue reading

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Mitt Romney’s Temple

Ok, some people were curious about “Mitt’s Temple” mentioned in the Top Ten List why Mitt Romney won’t release more than 2 years worth of tax return.

We dig up some information about this.

First, a photo showing the building. Continue reading

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Top Ten Reasons Mitt Romney doesn’t want to release his tax returns

As of this moment, Mitt Romney released his 2010 tax return, and will also release the 2011 return. But he refuses to release earlier returns, as it was customary starting with his own father. Because of that allegations surface (let’s put it that way), that he didn’t pay any taxes then. Mr. Romney says it is not true, he actually paid “a lot”. Continue reading

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Romney and his Taxes

So what do think?

How much taxes did he pay?

He said “A lot of taxes”. But how much is a lot?

It really depends. Continue reading

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Don’t show images of people eating chicken – might get me hungry

Earlier this month, Iran’s national police chief ventured boldly into what has become known as the country’s “chicken crisis”. The feathers haven’t stopped flying since.

The soaring price for a staple food that Iranian Continue reading

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Some thoughts about Aurora and guns

The National Rifle Association  (NRA) should be proud.

Thanks to their heavy lobbying and sponsoring of politicians a 24-year-old named James Eagan Holmes was able to buy the weapons and ammunition legally, which he used for the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, this week killing 12 and wounding some 60 more.

The NRA’s most sacred constitutional right, the 2nd amendment – “the Right to Keep and Bear Arms”  is, according to the Republican presidential-hopeful’s campaign, “essential to the functioning of our free society”

Holmes, according to the reports, had only one law infraction – a speeding ticket. Otherwise he appeared to be a model citizen. All the laws on the book (whether enforced or not) made it possible for him to buy e.g. an assault rifle.

Isn’t it time to repeal the 2nd amendment? Amendments have been repealed before, like the prohibition amendment #18 with the 21st amendment.

It certainly is an anachronism. It has been some time since we have needed to raise a militia. Gun violence is far to common (it is safer to be in Afghanistan than in Chicago)

As Howard Steven Friedman, a statistician and health economist for the United Nations, wrote for The Huffington Post in April:

“America’s homicide rates, incarceration rates and gun ownership rates are all much higher than other wealthy countries. While the data associated with crime is imperfect, these facts all point to the idea that America is more violent than many other wealthy countries.”

Guns certainly play a role in this.

Another point I want to make is this: how often do you hear about accidental shooting, where for instance a toddler finds a gun, plays with it, and by doing so kills somebody.

Keep in mind what the NRA says. Guns don’t kill. People do.

Of course, a repeal of the 2nd amendment is never going to happen. Guns are big business, and the NRA with their buying power certainly know how to stop any such campaign.

Criminals, terrorists, gang members quietly appreciate this.

Meanwhile, the NRA just shrugs their shoulder.




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Olympic Uniforms and Politics

We hear that Lawmakers are furious that the U.S. Olympic team are going to wear clothes made in China during the opening ceremonies and other times except for the uniforms for the competitions themselves.

See this article for further details.

U.S. Olympic Team wearing uniforms made in – China

Now, the U.S. Olympic team is Continue reading

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A Better Amercia

I guess it was supposed to happen after this spelling oversight

What do you think about a better America?


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Romney’s better Amercia

Maybe Romney, if he would be elected the next president of the United States, should think about spending more money for education and help the states with that. Apparently too much has been cut in the recent past to allow this to happen.

So, how would Romney’s better Amercia look like?

Here’s a quote right from the Romney campaign (emphasis added here):

“As president, Mitt will work to expand and enhance access and opportunities for Americans to hunt, shoot, and protect their families, homes and property, and he will fight the battle on all fronts to protect and promote the Second Amendment.”

(As of this writing, the quote is exact as shown here)

Was there Dick Cheney’s inspiration at work?


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